The New Site!

September 9th, 2018

What's Going On

Hello, if you are reading this I really don't know why. You maybe thinking to yourself, "Why do you have blog posts on a professional portfolio website page?" The answer, because I can!

I've been working on creating a new updated site for little over a month. With my current position I do not get much free time to experiment and work on other projects. I do however get lighter work days where I can fit in a quick project or two to keep practiced up on new programs and updated versions of old. Revamping the website is about 25% keeping up with web design, 75% looking for new work.

While constructing this site I thought it would be a fun idea to create a space tucked away on my site to express my thoughts and to post little side projects I can squeeze in now and again. I mean I pay for the web-hosting space, I should put it to good use.

So for now the posts will be light or maybe it will be non existent, not sure yet. For now here are some mini projects that I've done in the past year.

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